For Library Staff
As a national staff picks list, LibraryReads is a grassroots effort that depends on you. You can help by voting for titles, and by spreading the word to your colleagues and friends in the library community, both in person and via social media.
Do I have to sign up/register with LibraryReads in order to participate?
No, but you do have to register to use either Edelweiss or NetGalley (as a public library staff member) in order to access free advance reader copies and place your votes! See below for more details or check out our videos.
Does LibraryReads send out books?
No, voters access titles as e-books via Edelweiss and NetGalley, and access print ARCs by contacting our library marketing partners. See our “Resources” page for contact info!
Does it cost me or my library anything to participate?
Never! All of the materials on our website are FREE to any user; and there is no charge associated with using Edelweiss or NetGalley. We are a not-for-profit organization and are supported by the generous partnerships we have with U.S. publishers.
Important voting reminders:
- Please make sure your Edelweiss and NetGalley profiles state your public library. Even if you are also a book blogger/reviewer, your profile must show that you are affiliated with a public library in order to have your vote count.
- Voting from a print ARC? No problem, but you might prefer to vote via Edelweiss. NetGalley only allows you to vote for titles you have requested and been approved for. This doesn’t mean you have to read the book via download, only that you have to have it downloaded into your NetGalley account.
- Remember that the LibraryReads list is for books published for the ADULT market. Please do not vote for YA and Youth titles. It makes our tallying harder!
- Make sure you are voting in the correct time frame! Votes are due BEFORE the month of pub date (you are voting for October books by September 1, for example). See chart below for due dates.
- YES you can vote early!
- There is not a limit to how many titles you can vote for.
How do I vote for titles for LibraryReads?
Are you regularly employed by/volunteer with a U.S. public library? Then you can vote for titles for LibraryReads! (Are you in Canada? Visit Loan Stars)
Your votes are what it takes: there is not a separate group of librarians narrowing it down. It’s all you!
Whichever ten books get the most votes go onto the monthly list. The book with the most votes becomes the Top Pick. It’s as simple as that! Books from all adult genres and categories are welcome. We encourage you to read and suggest titles and authors that reflect the diversity of your own communities. Large TBR-pile? Don’t worry! You can vote for titles you haven’t finished yet!
Our voting deadlines are one month ahead of publication dates, so you will need to read books in advance of publication in physical or digital formats. These digital advance reading copies (or ARCs) are available via Edelweiss and NetGalley, which are also the two platforms for voting for titles. Both services are free for library staff to register and use. Paper ARCs or galleys are also often made available, and can also be used for voting via Edelweiss.
Check out a quick tutorial video on using Edelweiss and NetGalley:
Vote for titles via Edelweiss
If you are already an Edelweiss user and registered as affiliated with a public library, you are all set! You are officially part of their LibraryReads “Community.” If you aren’t sure that you registered properly, just click on your name at the top of any page and look at your “Account” affiliation. (If you are not already an Edelweiss user, please register for Edelweiss using the Organization Type “Library – Public” to join the LibraryReads community and make sure you are eligible to vote.)
When looking at a book you’d like to vote for while logged into Edelweiss click the review icon:

Next, rate the title (this helps us in the event of a tie!) and write your review, if you’d like. (You can, of course, vote for a title without writing a review!) Make sure the “LibraryReads” button is checked. You also have the option to share with the publisher, your Edelweiss+ friends or colleagues, and Communities. BE SURE TO HIT SAVE!!

More information can be found in their Edelweiss Help section, or reach out to them at
Vote for titles via NetGalley
If you’re not yet a member of NetGalley, you may register at You will be able to request digital galleys and be invited to view new titles. Want to learn more about how NetGalley works with library staff? Click here. Be sure to edit your profile to identify yourself affiliated with a public library in order to gain voter access!
If you are already a NetGalley member, you may vote for any of your approved titles via the “Give Feedback” button, under the cover image on the Title Details page. Note that you can only use NetGalley for titles you have requested and been approved for via the service. If you wish to vote for books you have as print ARCs, you will need to use Edelweiss!

How can I get advance copies of books?
Publishers distribute advance reading copies in both physical and digital formats, and there is a range of ways to get free early copies of the books that you’re excited to read. The list below features some of the more popular choices.
- Giveaways at conferences & shows: Visit publisher booths at ALA, PLA, ARSL, etc. as well as state library association shows.
- Digital reading copies: don’t worry if you don’t travel! Edelweiss and NetGalley are fantastic online communities where publishers offer free advance copies to public library workers. Help publishers find you by filling out as many fields in the registration form as possible. Be sure to let them know you work in a public library and are using this account to contribute to LibraryReads.
- Library Marketing departments: Many publishers have staff devoted to library outreach – these are great people to contact when there is a specific book you want. A list of contact information for most of the library marketing folks we work with cab be found on our Resources page as well as by clicking here. The monthly Galley Chats on Twitter/X (for now) are also a great place to learn about upcoming titles:
- Publishing newsletters and blogs: Reading copies are frequently offered via industry email newsletters and blogs (which have no subscription costs) – plus it’s a great way to stay on top of publishing trends.
PLEASE REMEMBER: Advance Reader Copies/Galleys are not meant to be sold or shelved as part of the library’s collection. ARCs are marketing tools used to promote titles ahead of publications which is why what you do with one when you’re done reading it is actually an ethical question. Publishers give them away for free based on a goodwill understanding that the ARC will be used for informative and professional purposes only, and this is especially true once the book is published, and available for everyone to buy. They are not finished books and should not be distributed to the general public or sold for profit online.
Tips for voting for books and writing annotations
- All genres and subject categories of adult books are welcome, both fiction and nonfiction. Currently, LibraryReads is only for titles that are published for adult readers. We love seeing a list with diverse genres, authors, and interests each month! Although we love and read books published for all ages, crossover appeal is subjective and presents a challenge when tallying votes. For clarity of focus, we do not currently include books published for teens, even with crossover marketing.
- Each month’s list is made up of titles that are newly published that month, so please submit as far in advance of publication as is possible and practical. You don’t have to “hold” your votes until a deadline–feel free to submit them as soon as you’ve finished reading a book.
- We are especially interested in hearing your take on forthcoming titles that haven’t been widely reviewed yet, and the ones where the buzz is just beginning to build. Your early feedback can make a real difference in the life of a new book!
- Read in any format you like–paper or digital–but please submit all your reviews electronically, via Edelweiss or NetGalley.
- Take a look at past lists to get a sense of length and context. But don’t be intimidated by the quotes you see in the final LibraryReads list, they’ve all been edited by our team. Do follow these guidelines, if you’d like to see your annotation featured:
– Short and sweet (we generally edit down to three lines max, though it’s easier to edit down than to have to ask you for more info!)
– Add genre and appeal terms and read-alikes when possible.
-Things to consider: Is this good for book clubs? For fans of the genre? Is this a debut author? - Write conversationally, as though you were talking about a favorite title with a patron or colleague at the library, or with a friend. Use your own voice. BUT! Avoid personal statements. “I loved this book!” shows wonderful enthusiasm but is not going to get someone interested in reading it. (see also: avoid “you will love this book!”.) If we select your annotation, we will edit out “I” statements.
- Think of what sort of reader would enjoy this book, and describe it so that they can find it. What is special about this book? To what other authors or experiences might you compare it?
- Tell other staff members at your library about LibraryReads, and encourage them to submit their votes, too. Make it a game–or a (friendly) competition!
- Please note that we reserve the right to edit annotations for publication. A member of our editing team will reach out to you to confirm your information and obtain your approval of edits. Your annotation will appear on the LibraryReads website, printable materials, social media, and may appear on publisher communications.
Voting Deadlines
Library staff must submit votes by midnight EST on the due date, which is always the 1st, for votes to be counted.
The list comes out on the 15th of every month at 9am EST, unless the 15th falls on a weekend, where it will then come out on the Monday after.
October 2023 pub dates | September 1, 2023 |
November 2023 pub dates | October 1, 2023 |
December 2023 pub dates | November 1, 2023 |
January 2024 pub dates | December 1, 2023 |
February 2024 pub dates | January 1 (yep!), 2024 |
March 2024 pub dates | February 1, 2024 |
April 2024 pub dates | March 1, 2024 |
May 2024 pub dates | April 1, 2024 |
June 2024 pub dates | May 1, 2024 |
July 2024 pub dates | June 1, 2024 |