LibraryReads Resources
Be sure to check out the LibraryReads YouTube channel for our video content, including webinars, training sessions, and author interviews!
Title Eligibility FAQ Document (opens in Word)
Please feel free to download and use our logos for your promotions, labels, and web use. We do ask that you link to our website, where applicable. Email us if you have any questions.
Partner and Publisher Links
Looking to get print and digital advance reader copies?
Sign-up information and training help for Edelweiss
Sign-up information and training for NetGalley
Stay connected to many publishers via their Library Marketing teams. Most offer a regular email newsletter filled with title suggestions (and even some links to direct downloads!); and consider adding them all to your social media feeds, as they are always posting about their new and upcoming titles, perfect for LibraryReads voting.
Their library-specific websites are listed below, and click here for a printable list with social media handles, email contacts, and e-newsletter links.
- Bellevue Literary Press
- Blackstone Publishing
- Bloomsbury
- Catapult
- Crooked Lane Books
- Disney Publishing
- GroveAtlantic
- Hachette
- Harlequin For Libraries
- Harper Collins
- Ingram Content Group
- Macmillan
- Melville House
- Norton Library Marketing
- Penguin Random House
- Quirk Books
- Simon & Schuster
- Soho Press
- Sourcebooks
- Workman
- Zibby Publishing
Our friends at the Adult Library Marketing Association (ALMA) have a YouTube channel where they’ll be posting “Bite-Size Book Buzzes” and more.
Follow NoveListRA on Twitter for frequently updated useful readers’ advisory content. NoveList also offers a new site full of continuing education and professional growth opportunities for library staff. Check out Learn with NoveList for free and paid training, including free access to recordings in the Crash Course webinar series we partner on with NoveList. Search “Crash Courses” in their online catalog for the full listing. (Newer Crash Courses are available for free on a limited basis if you register in advance. After the first month, they are $20.)
We are very pleased to announce that Booklist Publications is now featuring our monthly list in the Booklist Reader. Libraries can offer their patrons print and digital access to this valuable RA resource. More information can be found here, and they have created a helpful video introducing how to give your patrons digital access.
Library Journal’s Book Pulse newsletter features up-to-the-minute book news aimed at library staff; and we are excited to partner with them weekly, offering read-alikes for top holds titles.
What are our Canadian library cousins reading? Check out LoanStars.
And our independent bookstore friends recommend upcoming titles via the IndieNext list.