Continuing Education Support Programs

LibraryReads Individual Conference Support (Formerly Travel Grant)

To broaden public library staff participation in continuing education with a readers’ advisory for adults element, LibraryReads has developed a sponsorship program to help defray costs and encourage attendance for those who might not otherwise be able to attend such events. The maximum award amount per individual is $1,000.

Application deadlines

We will take applications for state/local/online conferences at any time during the year but require a 30-day minimum lead time.

Applicant Eligibility
To determine if you are eligible, you must answer “yes” to all of the following questions:

  • Are you currently employed, in any job title, at a public library in the United States?
  • Do you have an interest in readers’ advisory for adults?
  • Have you actively participated in LibraryReads (by voting for titles via Edelweiss or NetGalley) in the 3-month period prior to application?

Selection Criteria
Potential for professional growth
Demonstrated commitment to the profession/interest in LibraryReads
Preference will be given to those whose regular job duties include readers’ advisory and/or collection development for adult collections.

Applicants may apply for more than one grant per calendar year; however, preference will be given to new recipients.

To receive a grant, grantees must be able to:

  • Attend the noted conference and participate in any LibraryReads events (if applicable; at national conferences, generally two author panels).
  • Submit proof of registration (email receipts accepted).
  • Submit a brief follow-up report that may be used for promotional purposes by LibraryReads.

All recipients will be awarded half of the grant funds prior to the event and the remaining half of the funds following the receipt of the requested follow-up report. Remaining grant funds will not be disbursed unless all of the above requirements are met. Please consider this information when making travel arrangements.

Eligible Expenses
Travel grant funds are not restricted and may be used by the recipient for any personal expense incurred attending a library conference: registration, travel, lodging, meals, etc.

How to Apply
Prepare a brief statement of need, including:

  • Your name and personal contact information
  • Name and address of your library and your job title
  • Request Narrative as described below
  • Brief budget summary sheet as described below, indicating the amount you are requesting (in increments of $100, to a maximum of $1000)

Request Narrative Instructions
In 500 words or less, please attach a brief statement answering the following questions:

  • Name and date of event.
  • Why do you want to attend this particular event?
  • What do you hope to learn/experience from the event? How would attending the event benefit you in Readers’ Advisory work for adults?

Budget Summary Sheet Instructions
List anticipated costs incurred by recipient to be paid by the grant–not paid for or reimbursed by employer–to the best of your ability for the following (if applicable):

  • Registration expenses
  • Total travel expenses
  • Lodging expenses
  • Incidental expenses (including meals, necessary accommodations, etc.)

Email application materials to:

*NEW* LibraryReads Institutional Educational Support Program 

To broaden participation in library continuing education events, LibraryReads has developed a financial support program to help defray costs and encourage public libraries in the US to offer readers’ advisory-focused continuing education opportunities.

Applicants may apply for support for multiple events. The maximum award amount per event is $2,000. Members of the LibraryReads Board of Directors will evaluate grants and notify applicants of decisions as soon as possible, typically within thirty days prior to the event date.

Looking for a speaker or consultant? Check our directory.

Institution Eligibility
Any public library in the United States is invited to apply for financial support for the following types of events:
-Staff Training on RA/Collection topics (in-house)
-Group/Multiple-attendee staff training on RA/Collection topics provided by outside vendors (e.g., group presentations, multi-attendee webinars, self-paced training modules)

Eligible Expenses
These funds are not restricted and may be used by the recipient institution for any expense incurred while hosting readers’ advisory-related educational events, including but not limited to:
-Speaker or consultant fees for staff in-service training
-Room rental or catering needs for RA-focused staff educational events
-Paid seats for webinars or online programming related to RA
-Materials related to RA staff training

Please note these funds are not intended for individuals. See above for current availability of our Individual Conference Support program, which is meant for individual staff members to attend RA trainings and conferences.

Selection Criteria
This support covers learning opportunities for library staff that support readers’ advisory service to adults or collection development for adult collections. Programs covering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) topics related to RA and library collections will be given priority consideration.

How to Apply
Prepare a brief statement of need, including:
Contact information including the name and address of your library and your job title.
Request Narrative detailing the planned event and indicating the amount you are requesting as described below. (The maximum award amount per event is $2,000. Please be advised that we may be able to offer partial support only, as funds allow.)

Request Narrative Instructions
In 500 words or less, please attach a statement answering the following questions:
Name and date of event.
Why does the library want to host this event?
If scheduled, who is presenting/training?
What are the expected educational outcomes of this event?
How many staff members will be attending this event?
Anticipated costs (total)
Amount requested (if less than anticipated costs)

Email application materials to:

LibraryReads expects the funds to be used solely for the proposed event. We request a brief written summary (300-500 words) within 30 days of the event, detailing attendance and outcomes. We would appreciate photos or quotes that we may use on our website/social media to help promote the sponsorship program.

For any questions regarding these programs, please email

Running a conference/event?

Please email to see if we might be a good match to present at your readers’ advisory-focused event, set up a LibraryReads informational booth/table, or participate as a sponsor!

Recent sponsorships and in-person programming:
ARSL 2021; 2022; 2023; 2024
Horror Writers Association StokerCon Librarian Day, 2020; 2021; 2022; 2023, 2024
Staff in-service day, Fountaindale Public Library (2025)
RAILS Collection Development meeting (2025)
Springfield, MO “Flights and Frights” Trivia Event (2024)
National Conference of African-American Librarians (2024)
Montville Public Library (NJ) 2024
Lakeland Library Cooperative (MI) 2023
Christian County Library (NE) 2023
Puyallup Public Library (WA) 2023
Mahomet Public Library (IL) 2023
Adult Reading Round Table ARRTCon 2023, 2024
New England Library Association Conference, 2023, 2024
Washington State Library Association Conference, 2022
Massachusetts Library Association Conference, 2022
Tennessee Library Association Conference 2023
Louisiana Library Association Conference, 2022; 2023
Arkansas Library Association Conference, 2022
New Mexico Library Association Conference, 2022; 2023
Virginia Library Association Conference, 2022; 2023
Wisconsin Library Association Conference, 2022, 2023
Illinois Library Association Conference, 2022; 2023
FIYAHCON Online Conference 2021, 2022
Flights of Foundry, 2023
PLA 2020, 2022, 2024

Online Programming for:
Glen Ellyn Public Library (IL) Book Group Buzz; Indiana State Library; MAIN Book Buzz (New Jersey); Bucks County Free Library (PA) staff day; Bibliocommons BiblioCon

Applicants agree to indemnify and to hold LibraryReads harmless against all damages, claims, suits, or other legal proceedings arising from the staff member’s travel to and from and participation in conferences.

The maximum award amount per event is $2,000
